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Windmill Palm - Trachycarpus fortunei
Windmill Palm - Trachycarpus fortunei

Arecaceae Trachycarpus Fortunei None

  • $72.97
  • $54.97
  • -$18.00 (25% Off!)
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Grows InZone 8A · 10° to 15° F through Zone 10B · 35° to 40° F
Sun ExposureFull / Mostly Sun, Morning Sun / Evening Shade, Morning Shade / Evening Sun
Soil DrainageWell Drained
Resistent ToDeer Resistant, Drought, Insect, Disease, Heat
BloomsEarly Spring Blooms
AttractsVisual Attention
Additional Information About Windmill Palm - Trachycarpus fortunei

More about the Windmill Palm...

Noteworthy Characteristics

Of all the cold hardy palms we've grown and sold since the late 1980's, we've found Windmill to be the most reliable. It is hardy in USDA Zones 8a to 11. The Windmill is taller growing tree with an elongated trunk that is topped with a beautifully compact crown. Depending on the region, it grows to a height of 20 feet in colder regions to 40 feet in subtropical regions, with the crown spreading from eight to 10 feet. The green, palmate leaves can be 3 feet across. Bright yellow inflorescences (flowers) erupt from a packet-like bud in late winter and early spring from within the crown.


If you garden in a cooler region where temperatures don't drop below 10 degrees F, and are looking to add a tropical feel to your landscape or outdoor living areas, windmill palm is an excellent choice. It makes a great accent which fits well into small areas like courtyards and entries but can be planted anywhere in the sunny landscape where a tropical effect is desired.


Windmill is not picky about soil, provided the soil is well-drained and somewhat loose. We've had no problems growing it in the clay-based soil we have here in Georgia, provided the soil is amended with sand or sandy topsoil. Consistently wet or soggy soil can cause problems.

Helpful Planting and Care Tips from Our Experts

How To Plant A Palm Tree

How To Fertilize A Palm Tree

How To Prune A Palm Tree


See all Trees >


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