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Blush Pink Nandina
Blush Pink Nandina

Berberidaceae Nandina Domestica AKA' PP19916

  • $58.97
  • $44.97
  • -$14.00 (24% Off!)
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2 Gallon
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Shipping Information
Cannot ship to: Alaska, Hawaii
Grows InZone 6A · -10° to -5° F through Zone 10A · 30° to 35° F
Sun ExposureFull / Mostly Sun, Full / Mostly Shade, Morning Sun / Evening Shade, Morning Shade / Evening Sun, Dappled Light / Filtered Sun
Soil DrainageWell Drained
Resistent ToDeer Resistant, Drought, Insect, Disease, Mildew, Heat
BloomsFall Foliage, Winter Foliage, Spring Foliage, Summer Foliage
Foliage ColorPink, Medium Green
Average Height1' to 2'
Average Width1' to 2'
AttractsVisual Attention
Additional Information About Blush Pink Nandina

Nandina Domestica 'AKA' PP19916' is a moderate growing shrub that can be grown in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 6A through 10A. It matures to an average height of 1 foot to 2 feet and an average width of 1 foot to 2 feet, depending on climate and other environmental factors. It prefers growing in a location that provides full sun, shade, morning sun with afternoon shade, morning shade with afternoon sun or filtered sun and grows best when planted in sand, loam, clay or silt soil that is well drained. The foliage is pink and medium green in color. It attracts visual attention and is resistant to deer, drought, insects, diseases, mildew and heat.

Blush Pink Nandina can be useful in the landscape along woodland borders, in mass plantings, in foundation plantings, as a border or edger, in shrub borders, as an accent, under a shade tree, in landscape beds or islands, to accentuate entryways or in small groupings and also in rock or xeriscape gardens, theme gardens or shade gardens.

Blush Pink Nandina during winter

More about the Blush Pink Dwarf Nandina...

Noteworthy Characteristics

One of the outstanding plant in the Southern Living Plant Collection, Blush Pink Dwarf Nandina is a sport of Firepower Dwarf Nandina with some added spice. Stunning pink new growth sets Blush Pink apart from its rivals. The pink color glows throughout the growing season leading up to a spectacular fall and winter display of bright pink and burgundy-red foliage. A compact growth habit makes it ideal as a mass planting or a border.


A compact growthy habit makes Blush Pink Nandina smaller gardens. It is useful in foundation plantings where a lower growing plant is needed, such as under low windows. It is really stunning when planted in large groups in sunny landscape beds.

Culture & Care Tips

Blush Pink Nandina is exceptionally easy to grow in locations that provide very well drained but somewhat moist soils and full sun to partials shade. Soils that remain consistently wet or soggy can cause problems with thr roots of this nandina. It is also exceptionally low maintenance requiring little if any pruning.

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5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars
by Art - Milton , Georgia

Very pleased with the beautiful plants & the packing. Highly recommend!!

beautiful addition!!

5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars5 out of 5 stars
by Sarah - Harrisonburg, VA

Loved the the dwarf nandina for a while now and finally decided to add it in my landscape design. Got a few just to try out and was absolutely stunned with the result, they bring such beauty to my garden! I will have to add more soon!

very reliable

4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
by Beau - Tulsa, OK

I have bought plants online from a few different websites and found yours to be the best in price and shipping. All the plants i have ordered have arrived in excellent condition and very fast. Thank you for reliable service

Wonderful service

4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
by Zella - Wheaton, Maryland

Just got my Nandina planted so it's a little soon but i have to say i was floored with how fast my plants arrived, got them just days after i ordered and in great condition! Great quality service you have here!

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