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Deluxe Hardy Kiwi Vine
Deluxe Hardy Kiwi Vine

Actinidiaceae Actinidia Chinensis Tomuri and Vincent

  • $74.97
  • $55.97
  • -$19.00 (26% Off!)
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Shipping Information
Grows InZone 7A · 0° to 5° F through Zone 9B · 25° to 30° F
Sun ExposureFull / Mostly Sun, Morning Sun / Evening Shade, Morning Shade / Evening Sun
Soil DrainageWell Drained
Resistent ToHeat
Flower ColorCream, White
BloomsSpring Blooms
Foliage ColorMedium Green
Average Height15' to 20'
Average Width4' to 6'
FragrancesFragrant Flowers
Additional Information About Deluxe Hardy Kiwi Vine

More about Deluxe Hardy Kiwi...

Noteworthy Characteristics

Hardy in USDA Zones 7 to 9, Kiwi ‘Deluxe’ combines the male ('Tomuri') and female ('Vincent') plant in one pot to give you all you need to produce an abundance of excellent tasting, medium-sized fuzzy kiwi fruits. The fragrant white flowers are produced in spring to early summer and are followed in fall by the tasty, fuzzy fruits. Large, heart-shaped leaves provide a lush, tropical look in the landscape or garden. 


You'll want to grow the Kiwi vine on some type of support structure that can bear the weight of the vines when loaded with fruit. A sturdy arch, fence, trellis, pergola, arbor or other type of overhead structure will do fine. 

Culture & Care Tips

Easy to grow, the Deluxe Kiwi can be grown in full sun or part shade. Some filtered sun or shade during the hottest part of summer days would be appreciated. It has both the male and female plant in the same pot so no need for a separate pollinator plant. They are not picky about soil type as long as the soil is well-drained. Vines planted where soil stays constantly soggy will likely develop crown rot. Fertile soil, rich in organic matter is best. Add aged organic matter such as composted cow manure or mushroom compost to dense or heavy soils. On poorly drained soils plant on a slope or raised mound to ensure good drainage. If you are planting on a fence or trellis structure space the vines about 15 feet or so. Make sure to grow the vine at least 4 feet above the ground. 

Get More Planting, Pruning & Feeding Tips For The Deluxe Hardy Kiwi Here


USDA Zones:  7-9





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