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Summit Muscadine
Summit Muscadine

Vitaceae Vitis Rotundifolia Summit

  • $34.99
  • $37.93
  • -$-2.94 (-8% Off!)
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Shipping Information
Grows InZone 7A · 0° to 5° F through Zone 10B · 35° to 40° F
Sun ExposureFull / Mostly Sun
Soil DrainageWell Drained
Resistent ToDrought, Insect, Disease, Heat
BloomsSummer Berries
Additional Information About Summit Muscadine

Vitis Rotundifolia 'Summit' is a fast growing fruit bearing plant that can be grown in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7A through 10B. It prefers growing in a location that provides full sun and grows best when planted in sand, loam or clay soil that is well drained.

Summit Muscadine can be useful in the landscape along woodland borders, around decks, swimming pools, and other outdoor living areas or as a climber and also in cottage gardens.

Need help choosing the right varieties of Muscadines?

This is the fun part. There are lots of selections of muscadines, each with its own flavor, sugar content, and ripening time. What really determines the type you should choose is how you want to use them. Most are good for snacking. Others are great for making jam, jelly, juice, and wine. So do a little homework, and click on the link below to use the Muscadine Data Sheet to help make your selections. Note: There are two different kinds of muscadines: self-fertile types, which are self-pollinating, and self-sterile (female) types, which must be planted near self-fertile types to produce fruit. 

Click here to use the Muscadine Data Sheet to help choose the right type of grape vines for your needs

More about Summit Muscadine...

Summit produces very large crops of reddish-bronze grapes in early to mid season. This vine is vigorous, cold hardy and disease resistant. These fruit are sweet and can be eaten fresh or used to make juice or jelly.

Pollinator Required?  Click here see pollination information on this and other varieties of Muscadine







Helpful articles from our experts...

How To Plant A Muscadine or Sucppernong Vine

How To Prune And Train A Muscadine Vine

How To Fertilize A Muscadine Vine

When And How To Harvest Muscadines And Scuppernongs


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