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Muehlenbeckia axillaris - Creeping Wire Vine
Muehlenbeckia axillaris - Creeping Wire Vine

Polygonaceae Muehlenbecki Axillaris None

  • $22.97
  • $18.97
  • -$4.00 (18% Off!)
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Grows InZone 5A · -20° to -15° F through Zone 10B · 35° to 40° F
Sun ExposureFull / Mostly Sun, Full / Mostly Shade, Morning Sun / Evening Shade, Morning Shade / Evening Sun, Dappled Light / Filtered Sun
Soil DrainageWell Drained, Moderately Drained
Resistent ToDeer Resistant, Drought, Insect, Disease, Mildew, Heat
BloomsFall Foliage, Winter Foliage, Spring Foliage, Summer Foliage
Foliage ColorBronze, Dark Green
Average Height0' to 1'
Average Width1' to 2'
AttractsVisual Attention
Additional Information About Muehlenbeckia axillaris - Creeping Wire Vine

More About Creeping Wire Vine...

Creeping Wire Vine (Muehlenbeckia axillari) is probably one of the most underused evergreen groundcover plants we know of. This tough and very attractive plant that is a good choice for filling in empty spots in the landscape as a groundcover or stabilizing difficult slopes but also works well as a container plant. It is extremely hardy, tolerating temperatures of at least minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit and is heat resistant as well.

Creeping wire vine is a vigorous, low-growing ground cover with wiry stems that spread to create a dense mat of tiny, glossy green leaves which add a unique texture in the landscape. It is highly tolerant to foot traffic. It provides interest year-round as small green blooms that appear in late spring turn to colorful berries by early fall. The berries are juicy and edible. During the fall and winter, the foliage turns an attractive greenish-bronze color. 

Growing to a height of between 2 to 4 inches, with a spread of about 30 inches, Creeping wire vine is low maintenance, requiring minimal care once established in the right location. It does have a tendency to spread so don't plant it too close to walkways unless you want to keep it trimmed a time or two during the year to contain it.

Some say the Creeping Wire Vine is hardy in zones 6-9 but we've received reports that this plant is hardy in zones as far north as 5A and as far south as 10B.

Creeping Wire Vine is not picky about soil type preferring a moist but well-drained soil, but will tolerate consistently moist or dry soils. It grows in acid or alkaline soils. It is growing fine in both sunny and shady locations in our trial gardens.

We have been very impressed with this plant as a groundcover in the garden and in container gardens where it will spill over the edge of pots. It looks especially nice around rocks and blouders. It can also be usefl for topiary and can be trained to grow up a trellis.

If you're looking for an attractive evergreen groundcover that will grow almost anywhere the Creeping Wire Vine is your choice!

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