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Madame Galen Trumpet Vine - Campsis tagliabuana
Madame Galen Trumpet Vine - Campsis tagliabuana

Bignoniaceae Campsis Tagliabuana Madame Galen

  • $28.97
  • $22.97
  • -$6.00 (21% Off!)
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Grows InZone 4A · -30° to -25° F through Zone 9B · 25° to 30° F
Sun ExposureFull / Mostly Sun, Morning Sun / Evening Shade, Morning Shade / Evening Sun
Soil DrainageWell Drained
Resistent ToDeer Resistant, Drought, Insect, Disease, Heat
Flower ColorSalmon
BloomsSummer Blooms, Fall Blooms
Foliage ColorMedium Green
Average Height15' to 20'
Average Width3' to 4'
AttractsButterflies, Hummingbirds, Visual Attention
Additional Information About Madame Galen Trumpet Vine - Campsis tagliabuana

Madame Galen Trumpet Vine

More about Madame Galen Trumpet Vine...

If you want hummingbirds to flock to your garden the Madame Galen Trumpet Vine is a plant that should be on your list. It is a fast-growing vine that produces an abundance of deep-orange to salmon-red trumpet-shaped flowers from mid-summer into fall.

The Madame Galen Trumpet Vine produces an abundance of deep orange to salmon-red trumpet-shaped flowers that must have been specifically designed for hummingbirds. The flowers are borne in clusters at the tips of the branches starting in early to mid-summer and continuing until late summer or early fall. What's really neat is watching how the hummingbirds will disappear inside the flowers when feeding.

Madame Galen is a very vigorous climber that can grow 20 feet in height or length in a single season, so it's not a plant for the mailbox. You'll need to provide a larger structure that can support the length of the vine such as an arbor, pergola, tall pole, fence or deck rails, or even a a tall tree.

Madame Galen Trumpet Vine is exceptionally easy to grow in a wide range of well-drained soils in full sun to part shade, flowering heavier with more sun. After quickly establishing itself, it is exceptionally drought and heat tolerant and has few if any insect or disease problems.

This variety of trumpet vine (Campis) is more restrained and flowers much longer than the species: Campsis radicans.


Madame Galen Trumpet Vine on Gardenality.com
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