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Southgate Divine Rhododendron
Southgate Divine Rhododendron FREE SHIPPING Out Of Stock
Southgate Divine Rhododendron

Ericaceae Rhododendron Southgate® Divine™ ‘Lisenne Rockefeller’

  • $42.99
  • $37.93
  • -$5.06 (12% Off!)
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Grows InZone 4A · -30° to -25° F through Zone 8B · 15° to 20° F
Sun ExposureFull / Mostly Shade, Morning Sun / Evening Shade, Dappled Light / Filtered Sun
Soil DrainageWell Drained, Moderately Drained
Resistent ToDrought, Heat
Flower ColorWhite, Light Pink
BloomsSpring Blooms
Foliage ColorMedium Green
Average Height4' to 5'
Average Width3' to 4'
AttractsVisual Attention
Additional Information About Southgate Divine Rhododendron

Southgate Divine Rhododendron is a moderate growing shrub that can be grown in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 4A through 8B. It matures to an average height of 4 feet to 5 feet and an average width of 3 feet to 4 feet, depending on climate and other environmental factors. It prefers growing in a location that provides shade, morning sun with afternoon shade or filtered sun and grows best when planted in loam or clay soil that is well drained or moderately drained. In the spring Southgate Divine Rhododendron produces white and light pink flowers. The foliage is medium green in color. It attracts visual attention and is resistant to drought and heat.

Southgate Divine Rhododendron can be useful in the landscape along woodland borders, in mass plantings, in foundation plantings, as a background, around decks, swimming pools, and other outdoor living areas, as an accent, as a focal point, in landscape beds or islands, to add property value or in small groupings and also in theme gardens, cottage gardens, butterfly gardens or shade gardens.

More about Divine Southgate Rhododendron...

Noteworthy Characteristics

This exciting heat tolerant Southgate Rhododendron thrives in the Deep South as well as other traditional Rhododendron areas. In addition to being a very sturdy and hardy shrub that can tolerate the extremes of the South, Divine Rhododendron produces abundant clusters of pink buds followed by large ruffled white blooms with purple flecks. The large blooms appear as the spring temperatures warm. Very lustrous medium to dark green leaves are another feature of this amazing shrub that fits perfectly in to any woodland garden or any other area of the landscape that gets dappled to part shade. The Southgate Rhododendron are very disease, fungus and insect tolerant...no wonder the Southgate series of Rhodendron are becoming a staple addition to the Southern Garden.


Rhododenrons are great for use as single specimens or in small to large groupings, flowering shrub borders, shrub borders, woodland gardens, and shaded home foundation plantings. They do especially well on fertile slopes. 

Culture & Care Tips

Plant rhododendrons in well drained, moist, acidic soils rich in organic matter and morning sun with afternoon shade. Refer to links below for detailed planting and care tips.

Helpful Planting & Care Tips Provided By Our Experts...

How To Plant a Rhododendron

How To Plant a Shrub in a Container or Pot

How to Prune A Large-Leaved Rhododendron

How to Fertilize a Rhododendron

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